20 games in 40 minutes in our dreams. This week: new classics in the shape of Titanfall and Dead Rising 3, newer classics in the form of Velocity 2X and Mega Coin Squad and flaming claptrap in the guise of Swing Copters and Jurassic Park. Also: special appearance by Joypod murderer David Turner.
Less than 20 games in considerably longer than 40 minutes. This week: boring excitement in Watch Dogs, sleazy thrills in Blue Estate and the dull brilliance of both Destiny and Battlefield Hardline. Also: special appearance by former Joypod reprobate David Turner.
20 Games in 40 years. This week: why Child of Light is a muddled delight, why less is more in both Titanfall and Forza 5 and why everyone is ultimately wrong about Dark Souls. Also: Obsidian. OBSIDIAN. Also: Special appearance by former Joypod host David Turner.