20 Games In A Sizeable Amount Of Time. This week: how NBA 2K14 could be the best RPG on next-gen, why The Legend Of Zelda A Link Between Worlds is near-perfect, and the insipid awfulness of Killzone Shadow Fall. Also: inebriated ursine cleanliness.
20 Games In An Amount Of Time. This week: why Gran Turismo 6 is business-like, how Blacklight Retribution out-guns Killzone, and just what the hell is going on with Battlefield 4. Also: two sick idiots.
20 Games In Forever. This week: why is Knack so ludicrously hard, what makes Need For Speed Rivals so exciting, and is the PS4 the best console yet? Also: Adriannnnnnnn!
20 Games In Some Time. This week: how the Xbox One drives a mad man even madder, why Ryse might be better than you think, and how Killer Instinct is an impressive hollow shell. Also: Non-possession Of Pugilism.
20 Games. Too much time. This week: the boundless joy of Tearaway, the destructive potency of Battlefield 4: Second Assault on Xbox One, and the sarcastic charm of Stick It To The Man. Also: Unnecessary Length.
20 Games. An Amount Of Time. This week: how BioShock Infinite: Burial At Sea signals the end of the current gen, why Wii Sports Club realises the dream of 2006, and saying goodbye to some stone cold classics. Also: Estoy Borracho En Un Inodoro.